Grant Reporting
Powerful, Flexible, Fast & E-A-S-Y
As systems gets more complex, invariably, so does reporting from them.
It goes without saying that major healthcare organizations all have dedicated reporting staff that learn the data architecture and local usage nuances,
but that fact is just a pleasant fantasy in Community Healthcare where the burden of grant reporting falls to the office manager.
So now, in addition to a fully embedded enterprise report writer, canned reports, and custom queries,
AXEIUM introduces ... a new way to make reporting easier
Using this tool you can pick the columns you need, apply your filters, and quickly pull the numbers and lists you need for your grant applications and reports.
View, Print, Save ... Export to Excel
From a pre-built view, users can quickly select columns of interest and "filter down" to the data they need,
and the result can be exported to to Excel for further manipulation and/or styling.
Public, Private ... or Shared
Once built, a saved report can be shared with others.
As a reporting administrator, you can publish public reports, which others can copy, modify and create new variants;
and as an individual contributor, you can choose to share your work with others.