Products can be listed on the ONC Certified Health IT Product List (CHPL) after they have been successfully tested by an ATL and certified by an ONC-ACB. Providers and Hospitals use the CHPL to identify the certified health IT they use and, if necessary generate the CMS EHR Certification ID required for meaningful use attestation.
ONC CERTIFIED HIT® is a registered trademark of HHS.
SLI has been authorized to perform Complete Electronic Health Record (EHR) testing for certification by the US Department of Health and Human Services' Office of the National Coordinator as an Accredited Test Lab (ONC-ATL).
Testing by an ATL will signify to eligible professionals that an EHR technology has the capabilities necessary to support their efforts to meet the goals and objectives of meaningful use.
SLI CERTIFIED® is a registered trademark of Gaming Laboratories International, LLC dba SLI Compliance.
This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) allow direct access to data elements of a patient’s electronic health record to the extent permissible under applicable privacy laws. Developers can use the AXEIUM APIs to create applications that interact with electronic health data via a RESTful API based on the FHIR standard.
Additional software that is relied on to comply with one or more of the certification criteria includes:
Pricing and Disclosures:
AXEIUM is a hybrid, client-hosted system that supports access via Windows clients, with extensions to mobile and web platforms.
Rather than a per provider fee, license fees are the combination of monthly subscription fee, which represents the minimum charge and covers the cost of system updates, plus a visit-based (SAAS) usage fee, which is typically favorable to Community Health Centers as they typically have a workforce mix comprised of full time, part time, and volunteer workers.
Additional Health Information Technology, software and/or hardware, is required for some features, such as, ePrescribe, eFax, eMail, SMS, ePhone, eVideo, eSign, as well licenses and/or subscriptions may be needed for third-party copyrighted materials and APIs, for which Client is either directly subscribed, or receives pass-through billing.
While AXEIUM will provide minimum recommended hardware specifications as part of the install, Client should be aware that over time demands of the hardware will likely grow, be it disk space or new features that require additional CPU capacity, as such, absent incremental patient loads such as through merger or acquisition, Clinic's operating budget should anticipate the need for hardware updates approximately every 3 to 4 years.
Notes & Disclaimers
Meaningful Use Disclosures
AXEIUM relies the following additional software to demonstrate compliance as an ONC-certified Electronic Medical Records system:
Transparency Attestation
It is your data that is stored on your servers, and with the exception of third party fees for ePrescribe, DIRECT messaging, secure email, and secure text messaging, an eligible provider should incur no additional costs either to meet supported meaningful use objectives and measures or to achieve any other use within the scope of the Health IT Module’s certification.
To support transparency in the marketplace, Brilogy Corporation will voluntarily and timely provide, in plain writing and in a manner calculated to inform, any part (including all of) the information required to be disclosed under paragraph (k)(1) of § 45 CFR 170.523 (A) to all customers, prior to providing or entering into any agreement to provide any certified health IT or related product or service (including subsequent updates, add-ons, or additional products or services during the course of an on-going agreement); (B) to any person who requests or receives a quotation, estimate, description of services, or other assertion or information from the developer in connection with any certified health IT or any capabilities thereof; and (C) to any person, upon request.
Multi-Factor Authentication
The system supports multi-factor authentication when access is requested from a mobile device.